"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden


Abortion "rights" - and a look at life.

June 27, 2022


There is no higher calling nor noble aspiration than striving to be the best mom you can be. This little meme was found on the Facebook page of a young lady who has faced many challenges in her life, from adoption to being a mom and step-mom, along with many other life trials. 

What a stark contrast to the harsh, screaming demands for the right for mothers to choose to kill babies in the womb. 

So, you're going to have a baby... Well, actually, it's already a baby, right there inside the mother. The baby is actually at the center of the issue of abortion, not the potential mother, and certainly not the father. The baby. And the woman is already its mother, biologically.

Basics – Life Comes From God

Where have we come in history?

To those fighting for the "right" to legalize the "choice" to have abortions, a baby is seen as anything but the very thing that it is - a new person, an addition to the family, a gift of God, a treasure. 

As "believers," we believe that life comes from God. Even with all our modern knowledge, scientists have yet to prove otherwise. They don’t know where life comes from, or how it happens - not a clue!

As a side note, it is curious and amusing to hear the theories as to where and when life first appeared – in a heated pool of water with an accidental spark of electrical energy, or when a few atoms or molecules rubbed together in just the right way, millions of years ago. And from that little bit of ooze everything developed into what we now see as life. That takes much more “faith” (trusting in what you cannot see) than believing that God created everything, in all its wonder and even perfection. 

One of the most incredible examples of the marvel of life is the origin and development of a baby in the womb of its mother. The miracle of birth, which I have personally witnessed four times with my own children, is beyond words and total comprehension, as life is.

The Rhetoric for Abortion - Wrong Assumptions by those screaming for Abortion

  • It’s not a baby. No matter what you want to call it, it’s a small human, just like the egg of an eagle is protected legally as if it were a full-grown eagle.
  • It’s the mother’s body. No, indeed. It has its own unique DNA and is on a path to becoming a unique human being.
  • It’s a woman’s health issue. Please. For the babies, there is nothing healthy at all about abortion. Yes, there can be health issues related to pregnancy , just as there can be with sex or any other part of life. Most abortions are simply birth control measures, the ending of a life for the convenience of not having a baby, for whatever reason.
  • It's just a medical procedure, the removal of a blob of tissue. WRONG! This is a form of new creation, a new life of a new little human. It represents the continuation of the human race itself. The little heart starts beating within three weeks of conception.
  • There are medical and ethical reasons necessitating abortion. The vast majority of abortions are simply birth control measures, the ending of a life for the purpose of not having a baby, for whatever reason. Yes, there are medical and ethical reasons for abortion - rape, the threat to the life of the mother, severe medical issues of the infant, and so on, that can be decided as any other medical issues are evaluated and dealt with. For most abortions, though, it is a matter of convenience - the baby is unwanted.
  • There are societal and cultural reasons for abortion. The potential mother is too young, too immature, too poor, or too unstable to care for a child. Well, throughout history there has been advice for this: grow up and take responsibility, or reach out and find someone for help. If someone truly wants help, there has been help throughout history. We are seemingly growing more irresponsible and derelict the more we “progress” at least in our culture. So much so that many often see killing an unborn baby as a solution for its mother not taking responsibility for her actions.
  • It’s a matter of freedom and choice. Why does only the mother get to exercise her freedom and choice? The baby itself is given neither freedom nor choice in the matter of abortion. And truly, if a woman is pregnant, she already gave up an extremely important primary choice, which is what got introduced into the woman's body from the man by her choice to participate (except in the case of rape, of course).
  • Motherhood is bad. This is one of the underlying assumptions that demands the “choice” to commit baby-murder. Motherhood is taking responsibility for life. So is fatherhood. It is the very foundation of life and society here on this planet. Parenthood is one of life’s most sure solutions for the human condition of selfishness.
  • Fathers (often gratuitously called “sperm-donors”) have no say in the matter, as it’s not their body that is changed, nor their “health” affected. It is said that if men had to carry and deliver the babies, there would be no question as to whether abortions would be legal. It's an argument from non-reality, as men cannot have babies, in spite of some recent cuckoo thoughts otherwise. But even though the father of this so-called fetus is held quite responsible if it comes to birth and life, through child support especially, he can have no say in whether it can live or must die. This seems like an overreach of the rights of one of the sexes, from equality to tyranny.

Good Moms and Bad Moms 

There are probably more good moms than dads! The mothering instinct is naturally strong. So much in our modern world has come in to squelch this natural instinct. But believe what you will, it is still there. Just ask any woman who has had an abortion, and see, hear, and feel what she really feels and thinks about this “choice” she has made. It can haunt and torment her conscience for the rest of her life. 

What must we do?

For us to restore the vital and critical quality of human love and compassion to America and the world, we must end this abomination of abortion - the wanton killing of babies in the womb. Babies are not to be sacrificed on any altar of human depravity - be it selfishness, laziness, ignorance, or whatever. Mothers and fathers must rise up and do whatever must be done, seeing that raising a child in love is the most important thing we can do in life. It is what LIFE is all about. 

If we do not end most abortion, then the downward spiral of our country and culture will not end until the destruction of mankind is the ultimate end. I do not speak here in hyperbole, but in reality. The barbaric ending of a life in the womb - which should be the safest place on earth, where life gets its start - must stop. True respect for LIFE can be restored to our world through the love of God. Without this love and respect, we are nothing but vicious animals. 

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Good article. I would argue against abortion in the case of rape for 2 reasons 1.Murder of an innocent does not correct the assault. 2. Mothers who have had babies after being raped said that there was a redemptive quality in giving life to the child.
Copyright ©2022

Paul Hayden is a Christian believer, and an American patriot, necessarily in that order. He is a student of the Bible, and is avidly interested in our role in the context of history, as understood through the heart and eyes of faith. Paul has lived and traveled somewhat widely, and now lives in the heartland of the U.S. (central Illinois), with his wife Donna - they have five grown children. Since December of 2016, he serves as the Editor-in-Chief of www.ConservativeTruth.org.

"I was raised by a Christian minister, Kenneth Hayden, until his death when I was 10. Then my mom Bonnalee Hunt Hayden married a farmer. So I was raised in a very down-to-earth home. My faith has grown through the years, but both in conjunction with the institutional church and through small groups and individuals, including books as well as group settings, where deep, sincere faith is shared that aligns with Biblical truth."