"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

"Unprecedented" Ignorance of History and Facts

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

May 17, 2021

There is a word that has been used to death during this whole time of the coronavirus outbreak - "unprecedented."

What an ignorant use of this word, especially for the Covid-crisis! It is so worn out and overused. What is "unprecedented" is how poorly this word is being used, compared to man's history. Is this really "unprecedented?" Let's take a look.

Exaggeration has become more the "new normal" than many even understand. It seems simply to be a continuation of what has been happening in our culture for decades now. In sports, in entertainment, in views and "likes" (Facebook, YouTube, and other social status measures) - everybody wants to be the best, the most important, the biggest. It took on a life with the Guinness Book of World Records, which began back in 1955, and it has been growing ever since.

So, news reporters and journalists are driven to have the biggest, the best, the most spectacular story to share, or what good are they? Jumping on the current bandwagon, they are compelled to add to the din by mindlessly reading their script about how bad the coronavirus is today on any given day.

But is it "unprecedented?"

For comparison, there is a "List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll" - a very interesting page on Wikipedia. (1) Take a look at it, even briefly, and compare anything there to this time of the Covid-trauma we have been dealing with. Though it is quite lengthy, even a very brief time on this page will give you much more perspective than the "news" programs during the past year or so. If you have been listening at all and believe what they say in our current "news" reports, the world has never known such a deadly time. And yet, COVID-19 is not even close to the deadliest problem man has ever known, whether by disease or war or natural disaster.

According to a well-known site World-o-meters (3), shared also by the World Health Organization having the same death numbers (4), around 3.4 million have died so far from COVID-19. That is in a period of 16 months - again, so far. And that is putting a lot of trust in how these deaths are attributed and counted. (Were they deaths from COVID-19 or deaths with COVID-19? We may never know for sure.) This site (3) lists the U.S. as having over 600,000 deaths (to date), but China as only having 4,636, so I have some serious doubts as to the absolute honesty and factualness contained in it.

Another website that you might look at is a visualization of the history of pandemics in the past 2,000 years. (2) As deadly as the Covid-virus is, there were definitely some worse times of death in human history, precluding the use of this term "unprecedented" for sure. Look up the Bubonic Plague of the 14th century (200 million dead), or smallpox of the 16th century (56 million dead), the "Spanish" flu of 100 years ago (40-50 million dead), or even HIV-AIDS from 1981 to the present (25-35 million dead). So, apart from these historical events, and numerous others that were less deadly but quite lethal nonetheless, what we have faced is "unprecedented."

As the line in the movie Princess Bride goes, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

What is "unprecedented" is the governmental and societal reaction to the "unique" coronavirus. Never in history has such a powerful government shut down a whole country, collapsing millions of jobs and lives, and affecting the whole modern world. The elite governmentists truly believe they can control everything and everyone with enough money and power. They (almost) believe they are God, or certainly like God. And one of the problems in our modern world is we know too much. The prevalence of "germophobia" in our modern world certainly lends itself to the fear that seems to be at the heart of much of the "news" surrounding this disease.

Let's face it - Death is something we don't want to face. We don't like it. Death scares us. And the Covid-virus has impinged on our lives during the past sixteen months or so. It has directly and sadly affected many with deaths in their families, and many more with drastic changes imposed by various levels of government upon us.

But keep your wits about you. Keep some perspective in your life. Ask questions rather than just believing what you hear.

One glaring omission in nearly all of this attention given to death and dying is this - what about Abortion? One learned estimate from people who value all life is that there were roughly 1.72 BILLION abortions worldwide in the 40 years from 1973 to 2013. (5)

Whether you are interested in man-caused deaths or disease or natural disasters, abortion ranks extremely high in the causes of human deaths in all of human history. The "choice" - as in "my body, my choice" and "Pro-Choice" - the CHOICE to kill human babies in the womb has been one of the deadliest of all causes of human death. But virtually none of the death-sites discuss this historical atrocity known as abortion - when it is the murder of babies in the wombs of their mothers.

If we truly care about life, whether black or white or any other color, rather than banning certain rifles perhaps we should BAN ABORTION. But you won't hear that on the evening news.

Read and learn some history, for pity's sake! Anybody can learn to "GOOGLE!" And better yet, use another search engine that is not so biased that it gives you only the liberal slant on everything - like duckduckgo.com.

Question what you are told, and even what you believe. Don't believe everything you think, as it cannot always be trusted. You may have been told lies, or untruths!

Use the senses and the sense God gave you! Keep some perspective. Search for and respect the truth, what really is reality.

As Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

God bless you all!

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_and_anthropogenic_disasters_by_death_toll
2. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/history-of-pandemics-deadliest/
3. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
4. https://covid19.who.int/
5. https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/1.72-billion-abortions-worldwide-in-the-last-40-years

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Copyright ©2021

Paul Hayden is a Christian believer, and an American patriot, necessarily in that order. He is a student of the Bible, and is avidly interested in our role in the context of history, as understood through the heart and eyes of faith. Paul has lived and traveled somewhat widely, and now lives in the heartland of the U.S. (central Illinois), with his wife Donna - they have five grown children. Since December of 2016, he serves as the Editor-in-Chief of www.ConservativeTruth.org.

"I was raised by a Christian minister, Kenneth Hayden, until his death when I was 10. Then my mom Bonnalee Hunt Hayden married a farmer. So I was raised in a very down-to-earth home. My faith has grown through the years, but both in conjunction with the institutional church and through small groups and individuals, including books as well as group settings, where deep, sincere faith is shared that aligns with Biblical truth."